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Author: storiesincorporated

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5 DEI content strategy tips to earn employee and candidate trust

Reading Time: 9 minutesWe’re sharing our top five tips for developing a DEI content strategy that connects with candidates and employees, and proves your real commitment. We’ve worked with some of the most progressive companies to create content that supports their diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) commitment and

diversity, inclusion and employer brand

Diversity, inclusion and employer brand

Reading Time: 5 minutesProve that your company’s diversity, inclusion and employer brand are fully integrated through real employee stories. Candidates want to know a potential employer is wholly committed to diversity and inclusion. That doesn’t mean your organization has to have arrived at perfection — it’s a continuous

diversity equity and inclusion storytelling

Communicating Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Through Storytelling

Reading Time: 8 minutesStrategies for communicating diversity, equity and inclusion through storytelling throughout our organizations.  Chief Diversity Officers and other team members focused on increasing inclusion and belonging in corporate cultures have some of the most critical roles today. You’re the cartographers and guides on your company’s continuous

DEI Calendar 2022-2023

Updated Diversity and Inclusion Content Calendar 2023

Reading Time: 6 minutesScroll to bottom of page to download the Diversity and Inclusion Calendar! In order to fully celebrate diversity and inclusion, your culture content needs to be …   Timely and timeless  Personal and universal  Segmented and inclusive  … and none of those are mutually exclusive! As

leading storytelling strategies

12 Leading Storytelling Strategies

Reading Time: 16 minutesStories Incorporated’s Stories of the Year provide actionable examples of leading storytelling strategies. Last year was a year of building for us all (sometimes as the plane was flying).  Whether you were building culture, content, inclusivity and diversity, an employer brand, candidate channels, engagement, awareness,

employees are lookiing for new jobs

Always-On Recruitment Marketing Through Stories

Reading Time: 9 minutesEmployee story content is the best recruitment marketing content, period, and should be part of your always-on recruitment marketing content strategy.  Stories from team members are not a once-in-a-while project, or idea for an individual campaign. They’re not a “nice to have” within your culture

best employer branding videos

The Best Employer Branding Videos

Reading Time: 9 minutesThe best employer branding videos, all featuring employee stories for activating employer brand and revealing real culture. Here’s your ultimate list for 2023. Employee stories are the best tools for activating your employer brand across channels and bringing your employee value proposition (EVP) to life. 

Employee Engagement Strategy: Storytelling

Reading Time: 4 minutesStories Incorporated shares the steps to an innovative and effective employee engagement strategy: storytelling. This is an excerpt from our comprehensive download, The Complete Guide to Organizational Storytelling. Chief People Officers and employee engagement experts possess an essential mission: develop the culture and its people.