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Content for HR Chatbots

You’ve gotten the green light to add a chatbot to your career site. Congrats! Candidates have questions, and now you have the technology to give them the answers they want in real time. Make the most of your conversation. Fuel your chatbot with thoughtful responses and stories that give candidates much-needed insight as they research your company.

We are experts in uncovering employee stories and creating content libraries that communicate culture. As you create your chatbot FAQs and answers, you’ll have access to a ton of videos, blog posts, photos, and more to add value to candidates’ research process.

Examples of HR Chatbot Content

Explore examples of chatbot FAQs and content you could incorporate into your answers:

What is the company culture like?

What perks and benefits do you offer?

How do you create a diverse and inclusive culture?

Who is your CEO?

Let’s chat about how we can help you create content for your HR chatbot.

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