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Author: storiesincorporated


Dell Technologies veteran hiring case study

Reading Time: 4 minutesStories Inc. developed veteran recruitment marketing content to support Dell Technologies’ veteran hiring initiative. Learn about the stories we captured and strategies used.  Stories Inc.’s recruitment marketing content for Dell Technologies‘ intern programs outperformed Dell’s expectations. So, their team hired us to develop content to

how to get more employee stories

Why we’re getting more employee stories now

Reading Time: 4 minutesSome companies are starting to bring their team members back to offices and job sites. But, the workplaces they’re returning to look very different. In fact, the employees themselves look different, too, sporting masks, longer hair, and more signs of these times.  We’ve all changed,

employee engagement content marketing

Employee engagement is the key to the best content marketing

Reading Time: 4 minutesCreating an effective talent brand and employee engagement contentmarketing strategy at your company is easier than you think. The key? Employee stories. This post is an excerpt from our downloadable guide to content marketing & employee stories for employee engagement and talent brand. When you capture

How to create a team value proposition

GUIDE: How to Create a Team Value Proposition

Reading Time: 2 minutesScroll to the bottom to download the guide, How to Create a Team Value Proposition. In today’s dynamic business landscape, a well-crafted Employee Value Proposition (EVP) has become the driving force for attracting, engaging, and retaining top-tier talent. But as organizations evolve into complex ecosystems

What is a Team Value Proposition?

Reading Time: 6 minutesIn today’s competitive job market, it’s crucial to have a strong Employee Value Proposition (EVP) to attract the best talent to your organization. But what many may not realize is that a Team Value Proposition (TVP) can be even more important when it comes to

what is recruitment marketing?

What is recruitment marketing?

Reading Time: 9 minutesSuccessful recruitment marketing strategies are complex. We’re here to help! Learn recruitment marketing best practices here in our ultimate guide. Recruitment marketing is the strategies and tactics a company uses to attract and engage potential candidates.  A strong recruitment marketing strategy has: tangible ROI for

What women (employees) want: Flexibility and work life balance

Reading Time: 3 minutesThis post on how women candidates and employees want flexibility and work life balance is an excerpt from our downloadable guide, Storytelling for Gender Equality in the Workplace. We developed this ebook in partnership with Fairygodboss. Use employee stories in recruitment marketing and employer branding