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Category: Blog Posts

Reinventing Employee Spotlights for recruitment marketing and employee recognition

Reinventing Employee Spotlights for recruitment marketing and employee recognition


Reading Time: 2 minutes Employee spotlights are typically one employee profile, used in one place. Oh yes, we can do better! Stories Inc. has reinvented the employee spotlight for recruitment marketing and employee engagement, recognition and retention. Today, there’s a turnover tsunami happening. We know employee recognition is directly

employee story culture content
Job-related content less effective than employee story culture content

Job-related content less effective than employee story culture content


Reading Time: 4 minutes As if culture communication and talent attraction wasn’t bananas enough right now, check out this new finding regarding job postings vs. employee story culture content: Employers are promoting more jobs, more frequently … but candidates are responding less.  Rally Inside’s data analytics discovered this important

company culture video vendor
Why the “company culture video” is more important than ever

Why the “company culture video” is more important than ever


Reading Time: 5 minutes New 2022 data shows that company culture content featuring employee stories is outperforming job content with candidates by a mile. Yes, your company culture video is experiencing a renaissance. Here’s why. The reliable “company culture video” is an important cornerstone of your recruitment marketing content

new way of doing reference checks
Revamp the reference check!

Revamp the reference check!


Reading Time: 3 minutes Reframe the reference check! Are reference checks dead? We say, “No way!” But, they are overdue for a revamp. Let’s look at them differently.  First: Reframe When you can talk to a manager of someone you’re considering, it’s a gift.  Stop treating them as a

employer branding videos long-form
Long-Form Video is Vital

Long-Form Video is Vital


Reading Time: 4 minutes Employer branding videos that are long-form and feature compelling content expertly engage audiences. There’s a lot of buzz about 15 second videos in the age of TikTok. And, all lengths of video content show increased engagement and views year over year.  But long-form video —

Talent Acquisition Week Recap

Talent Acquisition Week Recap


Reading Time: 6 minutes This winter’s TA Week  — EBrandCon, SRSC, and Talent Sourcing Strategies — wrapped last week and Stories Inc. attended to learn, and per tradition, provide you with a substantive Talent Acquisition Week recap. We attended as many sessions as possible and took copious notes on