How we’re capturing employee stories safely during covid (and on-site)
The Stories Inc. team is safely capturing employee stories at our client sites, outside storyteller homes, and virtually — wherever work is happening! The health and well-being of storytellers and staff are of utmost importance. So, we have carefully adapted our processes to reduce the possibilities of spreading covid-19. And, we’re sharing the changes we’ve made to best protect everyone involved in the in-person story process.
Social distancing
Firstly, we are incorporating all social distancing measures as outlined by the CDC in our interactions with storytellers, and with each other. Stories Inc. team members are wearing masks at all times, full stop, and we’re remaining at least six feet away from all persons at all times.
Thanks to our professional, high-tech video, audio and photography equipment, the two-arms-length minimum does not impact the quality of the content. For instance, we’re now using only boom mics to capture sound, eliminating the contact and distance issues of storyteller-worn lavalier mics.

Additionally, we’re filming in locations that are well-ventilated and with enough space for all persons to remain at least six feet apart. We’re capturing stories in outdoor, open-air, and large, open workspaces. With many team members working remotely from their homes and on distributed teams, we’re also able to safely and accurately communicate the virtual employee experience.
Also, we’re conscious of showing that our clients’ companies are likewise safely socially distancing at work and keeping their employees safe. All b-roll footage we’re currently filming features — at most—two persons, and they’re always positioned at least six feet apart. We’re capturing footage of employees wearing masks and PPE, too, when it serves the story of the workplace, team, or role featured.
Cleaning and disinfecting
Importantly, we are conservatively and conscientiously disinfecting and cleaning all equipment with disinfectant sprays and wipes approved by the CDC for use against covid-19. In fact, thorough cleanings of all surfaces is happening before and continuously during on-site interviews. Notably, disinfection always occurs between interview sessions and each time new individuals’ stories are captured.

We’ve adjusted our run-of-day plans to eliminate any instances requiring storytellers to hold something, to avoid chances of shared contact with surfaces. During our pre-interview online interactions and coordination with storytellers, we are providing them with all materials digitally, instead of printed. And, we’ve swapped providing drinks or refreshments to interviewees for offering hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes.
Team interactions
While the Stories Inc. team is delighted to be safely uncovering stories in-person, we are only sending the minimum number of team members necessary for each job. All of our team members are closely monitoring their health and will not participate in any on-site work if they have any symptoms or have been in any contact with anyone with symptoms or a diagnosis.
Warm Tyra Banks-style “smiling with the eyes” and waves have necessarily replaced our pre-covid handshakes. Importantly, each day we’re vigilantly monitoring safety conditions and precautions, and continuously updating our client points of contact as well.
In case our new procedures for prioritizing safety when capturing stories are of help to you, we’ve developed an infographic outlining our plan. We hope you find it helpful! And, if you’d like a high-resolution PDF version, you can download it below.

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