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Category: Blog Posts

4 recruitment marketing content tips

4 recruitment marketing content tips


Reading Time: 7 minutes Stories Inc. sponsored and hosted the Rally Recruitment Marketing Content Workshop. Lori Sylvia, Rally’s Founder & CEO, led the workshop, and our own Lauryn Sargent presented key recruitment marketing content tips. Attendees included talent acquisition leaders, recruitment marketing experts, and employment brand professionals. Helpfully, the




Reading Time: 9 minutes Hundreds of candidate and employee experience enthusiasts gathered for the IAMPHENOM conference last week. We were there, and we’re bringing what we learned to you! Phenom People CEO & co-founder Mahe Bayireddi set the scene in his opening keynote, “The 4th Industrial Revolution Is Upon

Employer Branding for a Government Contractor

Employer Branding for a Government Contractor


Reading Time: 5 minutes Government consulting companies face interesting employer branding and recruitment marketing challenges, especially when taking a real-story approach to building content. Because projects can be related to national security, employees can’t publicly discuss their innovative work. Also, forget sweet office shots—sometimes government consultants work in SCIFs