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Category: Blog Posts

Employees want to share their stories from the crisis. Here’s why.

Employees want to share their stories from the crisis. Here’s why.

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Reading Time: 9 minutesYour team members have experienced tremendous change throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Employees want to share their stories of working in the pandemic, and these stories are important content for your employer brand. Your employees’ lives and work have changed dramatically in the pandemic. Some are

4 recruitment marketing content tips

4 recruitment marketing content tips


Reading Time: 7 minutesStories Inc. sponsored and hosted the Rally Recruitment Marketing Content Workshop. Lori Sylvia, Rally’s Founder & CEO, led the workshop, and our own Lauryn Sargent presented key recruitment marketing content tips. Attendees included talent acquisition leaders, recruitment marketing experts, and employment brand professionals. Helpfully, the




Reading Time: 9 minutesHundreds of candidate and employee experience enthusiasts gathered for the IAMPHENOM conference last week. We were there, and we’re bringing what we learned to you! Phenom People CEO & co-founder Mahe Bayireddi set the scene in his opening keynote, “The 4th Industrial Revolution Is Upon