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Category: Blog Posts

align with mission
Align with mission

Align with mission


Reading Time: 6 minutesIn case you hadn’t yet read enough about the Gamestop drama, I wanted to focus on one aspect of the story: its lesson on the importance for companies to align everything with mission. Last week, Robinhood had to temporarily limit trading of Gamestop and other

skin in the game
Skin in the game

Skin in the game


Reading Time: 4 minutesUnder Hammurabi’s Code in ancient Mesopotamia, if a house caved in and killed its inhabitants, then the builder of that house would face the death penalty.  It’s a pretty harsh thought, but you can’t deny that it probably did a good job of incentivizing home

the impact of Tony Hsieh
The impact of Tony Hsieh

The impact of Tony Hsieh


Reading Time: 7 minutesScott Thompson shares the impact of Tony Hsieh on modern business, customer interactions, and Stories Inc. And, he honors Hsieh’s memory. I was shocked and saddened to hear that Tony Hsieh passed away at the age of 46 this past weekend. Hsieh has always been

How we’re capturing employee stories safely during covid (and on-site)

How we’re capturing employee stories safely during covid (and on-site)

in Tags

Reading Time: 5 minutesThe Stories Inc. team is safely capturing employee stories at our client sites, outside storyteller homes, and virtually — wherever work is happening! The health and well-being of storytellers and staff are of utmost importance. So, we have carefully adapted our processes to reduce the

The value of storytelling for talent brand: Stories Inc.’s Jill Shabelman on The Talent Brand podcast

The value of storytelling for talent brand: Stories Inc.’s Jill Shabelman on The Talent Brand podcast


Reading Time: 4 minutesOur Director of Client Services, Jill Shabelman, was invited to join Bryan Chaney on The Talent Brand podcast to discuss storytelling for talent brand. This episode is an engaging discussion between two employer brand leaders. But, it’s also a master class in recruitment marketing content