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Author: storiesincorporated

How creating employee story content has changed in 2020

Reading Time: 6 minutes In January this year, we wrote an article that was very thoughtful about the top recruitment marketing opportunities for 2020. Looking back, it might as well have been written in January 1995, considering what has followed. But, we weren’t all wrong. In fact, some of the

Talent, Leadership, and Marketing Book Club (hosted by Stories Inc.)

Reading Time: 2 minutes This year, we are reading books that expand our professional learning and personal growth. Discussing what we learn, and hearing other perspectives, accelerates our learning and deepens our reflection. And it’s more fun to read books together. Hence, the Talent, Leadership, and Marketing Book Club

Supporting Black colleagues at work

Reading Time: 6 minutes The best workplaces create environments where employees thrive professionally and personally. World class cultures do this no matter what is happening in the world. In fact, they double down on their commitment to employees during a crisis, whether that’s a pandemic or racial violence. Just

Virtual Story Sessions capture your employees’ stories from any location

Reading Time: 4 minutes Stories Inc. launches Virtual Story Sessions, our new service that captures remote employee video content. Capture your employees’ stories in high-definition video and audio, and receive an array of content reflecting virtual workplace cultures and diverse employee experiences. Stories Inc. specializes in capturing distinct workplace

GUIDE: Communicating Core Values to Candidates

Reading Time: 2 minutes If mission is your ‘why,’ core values are your ‘how.’ These fundamental beliefs guide company standards and team member behavior. Core values drive both big picture decisions, and everyday interactions. This guide to Communicating Core Values to Candidates will teach you how to best convey

Crisis communications for recruitment marketers

Reading Time: 10 minutes Public relations and traditional marketing experts are using their crisis communications best practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. Recruitment marketers, likewise, should be employing crisis comms strategies to best communicate to candidates their organizations’ response to the virus, and how it impacts candidates considering your company

Stories of collaboration during the COVID-19 crisis

Reading Time: 6 minutes The Stories Inc. team was collaborating on a blog post about collaboration (hey, we walk our talk) before the coronavirus. The resources and examples we gathered would have been helpful to talent marketers in a pre-pandemic world, but currently are eclipsed by stories of collaboration

EBOOK: Storytelling for Gender Equality in the Workplace

Reading Time: 3 minutes Achieving gender equality in the workplace is a goal that’s near and dear to our heart here at Stories Inc. So, we teamed up with our friends at Fairygodboss to create an ebook that would help to tackle the pervasive problem of gender inequality at