What you can learn from the best careers pages
The best careers pages have great content.
Job seekers want to know about perks, of course, but they also want to hear about current team members’ experiences and know what the culture is like. They want to know what the company values and how that impacts the business decisions and team operations. In no particular order, I’ve identified some organizations who do a great job providing meaningful content for candidates:
Careers Page: dropbox.com/jobs
Favorite content: The adorable puppet video (seriously, watch it).
The puppet video serves as a great snapshot of Dropbox’s zany but totally brilliant people and culture. The links to team members’ stories on Medium provide proof to their claims that their people are awesome, with a workplace to match.
Careers Page: lyft.com/jobs
Favorite content: The section to “Meet” some future colleagues. It’s always great to know what the team looks like and what drives them.
Lyft’s employer branding showcases its fun personality and community-driven focus. And, there’s certainly nothing wrong with those monthly ride credits.
Vail Resorts
Careers Page: vailresortscareers.com
Favorite content: Emphasis on their six core values.
Vail Resorts focuses on getting their team members to “reach the peak.” Their rhetoric emphasizes the importance of personal growth with the company through expanding boundaries and caring for others. In fact, their first core value—Do Right—boldly states “Act with integrity—always do the right thing, knowing it leads to the right outcome.”
Clif Bar
Careers Page: clifbar.com/careers
Favorite content: “The Ingredients” that make up a Clifster.
Clif Bar’s “employee ingredients” prove two things: 1. I love a good play on words. 2. Content doesn’t need to include flashy design or photography to make a meaningful impact on candidates and team members.

Whole Foods Market
Careers Page: wholefoodsmarket.com/careers
Favorite content: The video of team members explaining what “The Best Thing” about working for Whole Foods is.
Watching the video under Whole Foods’ site “Why We’re A Great Place to Work” gives an authentic look at how Whole Foods team members feel at work. They discuss their team members, the environment and the company values.

These are just a few examples of well-done careers page, but it serves as a reminder of what makes a great careers page: impactful content for candidates. Any company, regardless of size or budget, can add stories from team members to their Careers Page. Perhaps even more easily, companies can add their values and examples of them to their site.
Think your company’s careers page has a great careers page and should be featured here? If you’re interested in talking about the best content to put on your Careers Page or want to discuss adding more content, let us know at info@storiesincorporated.com!