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Employer Brand Content

The most effective employer brand content uses stories to build connections between an organization and its candidates and its existing employees.

What is employer brand content?

Employer brand content is any content created and published to inform and influence how people perceive the experience of working at an organization.

The individual pieces of a company’s employer brand content should work together to paint a complete picture of what it’s like to work there. Coming in a variety of media formats, employer brand content can cover several different focus areas and can be published across many channels as part of recruitment marketing campaigns.

As we’ll see, the most effective employer brand content relies on employee stories. But first, let’s look at the various topics that employer brand content covers.

What are common employer brand content topics?

Everyone’s perception of working at an organization is different, and at the same time, everyone has different things they look for when building their perception of an employer brand. For that reason, employer brand content covers a wide variety of individual topics that come together to tell the whole story of working somewhere.

Below are common topics for employer brand content. For additional insight into each, click through to explore the specific service page for that content type:

University and Early Career Content

While this content could be considered a type of Initiative Hiring Content, it usually has a dedicated infrastructure within talent acquisition organizations, and so we view it as its own topic.

Initiative Hiring Content

Content focused around a specific hiring challenge that the organization may be facing (e.g., nurses, women in technology, or veterans), using stories that will uniquely resonate with the intended audience.

Diversity and Inclusion Content

Content that seeks to attract diversity to the organization. Most effective by telling stories that illustrate what the company does to make the work experience better for under-represented groups. 

Content for Remote Teams

To support teams that are increasingly switching to a remote work model, this content brings the remote work culture to life for organizations.

Team Storytelling Content

Content that uses team member stories to support the Team Value Proposition, outlining the subculture of a team within the broader culture of an organization.

Communicating Core Values

Core values can be lofty, so this content uses stories to bring core values back down to earth, providing proof that the company lives its values.

Content for Internal Hiring

Content primarily targeting current team members, using stories of colleagues who have successfully navigated to different roles within the organization.

Where should employer brand content go?

Why employee stories make the most effective employer brand content

The best employer brand content uses true employee stories, for several reasons:

Stories give real insight. The best way to share real insight into your culture is share stories from the people currently experiencing that culture. 

Stories are memorable. Our brains are wired to remember stories better than other types of information.

Stories prove you are who you say you are. Without stories serving as evidence, candidates are left to figure which marketing-speak to believe or not.

Employee stories are versatile and repurpose-able. One great story can be reconfigured and tailored to fit different formats, recruitment marketing channels, and sections of the candidate funnel.

Stories follow the candidate at every stage in the candidate journey. Candidates have different questions as they move through the candidate journey, and stories can answer those questions along the way.

Stories are closers. Stories build an emotional connection between candidates and the culture of the organization, helping candidates picture themselves working there before they even apply.

Let’s chat about how we can help you create Employer Brand Content!

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