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Author: storiesincorporated

careers page design example: chipotle

Are you attracting best fit candidates with your career page?

Reading Time: 5 minutesJob-seeking is not just about finding a job anymore. It is about finding the right job. Likewise, companies are finally starting to realize that recruitment marketing—putting a concentrated effort into attracting and hiring the right candidate—has long-term benefits that more than cover the investment. In

The importance of taking care of your people

Reading Time: 7 minutesThe Southern Division President of The Home Depot, Ann-Marie Campbell, uses Twitter to recognize the great work her associates are doing. The Home Depot is a great example of a company that makes employee recognition, one of their main core values, a top priority. Their

Values that stick

Values that stick

Reading Time: 3 minutesSticky notes for values Before you can begin to evaluate for core values in a job candidate, a company needs to actually have values and purpose. Startups often hold the unique power to meld and mesh their values as the culture evolves; for larger companies,

Treat your candidates like customers

Attract top talent; treat your candidates like customers

Reading Time: 3 minutesMike Ruddle recently posed the question: “Is it time we treated candidates as consumers?” Not long ago, Lauryn discussed extending an organization’s culture beyond the internal team to vendors and customers. Now consider the flipside. What if we treated candidates like customers? No (smart) sales

What you can learn from the best careers pages

What you can learn from the best careers pages

Reading Time: 4 minutesThe best careers pages have great content. Job seekers want to know about perks, of course, but they also want to hear about current team members’ experiences and know what the culture is like. They want to know what the company values and how that

An update: Interning at Stories is still awesome

Reading Time: 4 minutesTwo years ago, Pam, a then-communications intern at Stories, blogged about what it’s like to work here. I figured two years later, it might help some potential Stories Inc-ers if I shared my story. In a way, a conference I attended last week inspired this

What binge watching can teach recruiting professionals

What binge watching can teach recruiting professionals

Reading Time: 4 minutesWe’ve all been there—watching a show on Netflix and clicking that familiar button: “Next Episode.” We assure ourselves, “just one more episode” (that happens to be the promise I break the most). I used to wonder if I had no willpower. Why couldn’t I just

All roads lead to (core) values

Reading Time: 3 minutesLast week, I advised on the right way to ask about company culture. It takes the right question and the right answer—one that tells a story about the company that is truly unique to them. So here’s something that happened to us that doesn’t happen

The right way to ask about company culture

Reading Time: 2 minutesA freshly pressed suit, shaky hands and resumes still warm from the printer: it’s interview time. Resume accomplishments abound, interviewers dole out polite nods and candidates recite well-rehearsed narratives. As the interview winds down, the interviewer says—“what questions do you have for me?” The interviewee

Filtering candidates for shared values

Reading Time: 4 minutesAt Stories Inc, we talk about company values all the time. We link major company decisions to our values and use them to guide our actions. Everyone on the team is welcome (and in fact encouraged) to take our core values to heart, or to