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Author: Bernadette

Lean into Change: Transform 2019 in Review

Reading Time: 6 minutesAt Smashfly’s Transform conference in Boston, keynote speaker Erik Qualman told a personal story from his early days as an author trying to establish his brand: For a photo shoot for one of his books, his team had the idea that he should wear Clark

We’re in this Together: EBrandCon 2019 in Review

Reading Time: 7 minutesA few sessions into EBrand’s 2019 conference, we noticed a pattern. Each time emcee Audra Knight introduced a speaker, she shared something she had in common with him or her. For some this came from similar experiences as parents; with others, such as Amgen’s John

repurposing content

Repurposing Content and Making the Most of your Employee Stories

Reading Time: 7 minutesSo, you’ve uncovered some great team member stories from within your organization to be used for your next recruitment marketing campaign, now what? These stories don’t have to be ‘one and done.’ By their very nature, stories can be repurposed within different contexts. Think of

workplace flexibility

Stories from the Team: Redefining Workplace Flexibility

Reading Time: 5 minutesA close friend of mine recently recounted a conversation she had had around workplace flexibility. Her colleague, who is a mother of two, said to her: “For you young professionals, it seems like work is always expected to be your number one priority. Everyone is

My Day in The Life of a Recruiter

Reading Time: 7 minutesAs a new grad working in the employer branding industry, I can break my journey thus far into three stages. The first I fondly entitle, “Learning About What the Heck I’m Supposed to be Doing,” which consisted of a crash course on Stories Inc. and

Share stories, go places

Reading Time: 4 minutesFor anyone who has traveled for work, you know that you rarely have the time to truly see and visit the places you are working in. So for every deep-dish pizza suggestion I receive prior to Chicago trips, scenic hike recommendations in New England, and

How Employer Branding Has Ruined My Life for the Better

Reading Time: 8 minutesSomething I’ve realized in the past few weeks: working in employer branding has systematically ruined my consumer experience (exaggeration alert — while I was studying marketing in school I also used to say that marketing had ruined my ability to watch commercials in peace. In

Facebook challenges LinkedIn as top social recruiting platform

Reading Time: 4 minutesBeginning last month, Facebook became LinkedIn’s newest competitor, as the social media giant introduced job postings to its list of services, allowing businesses in the US and Canada to now post job listings on their company Pages. The applicant’s public profile information automatically populates the