Nurture an engaged workforce by using storytelling to promote employee recognition and career growth.

Stories for Rewards and Recognition
Bring your rewards and recognition program to the next level by featuring recognized team members in an employee story video.
Turn your engaged workforce into a competitive advantage.

Our Process
You select storytellers you’d like to uncover stories from and feature in content.
We schedule and prep storytellers so they feel comfortable heading into the session.
We interview each employee using our facilitated process, in the filming style of your choosing.
We create a library of videos and other substantive content from the footage. Done!
Build Your Content Library
Using the stories we uncover, Stories will build a content library customized to meet your content goals.Explore popular content mediums for rewards and recognition projects.
An employee spotlight shines a light on an employee that really embodies your culture by giving them an opportunity to tell a longer-form story. They work extremely well for employee recognition and reinforcing key elements of your culture. The above video was created to recognize the hard work of LexisNexis team member, Tykori.

Social graphics are a low-lift way to recognize your team member’s story across all of your channels.

Your careers blog is an excellent channel to highlight employee stories and celebrate their impact.
DEI celebrations like Historic Heritage Month and International Women’s Day are excellent opportunities to celebrate your team members and communicate your commitment to inclusion.

Featured client: Leading Gaming Company
Celebrate core value award winners.
In 2021 and 2022, Stories Inc. partnered with a leading gaming company to interview core value award winners and their managers who nominated them. The stories were released live during an end of year award ceremony and were extremely well-received by the participants, leadership, and team members in attendance.