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The Scenario: What SourceAmerica Needed

  • Anniversary celebration
  • Brand awareness
  • Story preservation
  • Marketing

SourceAmerica is a national nonprofit and the leading source of job opportunities for people with significant disabilities — over 125,000 people with disabilities are employed through their agencies and partnerships. Their 40th anniversary in 2014 was an opportunity for them to celebrate their story; create content to build awareness of their organization; and document their origins, growth, and successes.

Our Solution: What We Created

  • Interactive timeline
  • Sectioned history

We conducted eight interviews of SourceAmerica leadership, board members and advisors, to uncover the specific stories that, when taken together, present the complete picture of SourceAmerica’s journey. The timeline features three “tracks”: Milestones, Stories, and Videos. Milestones draw on archival materials to present key moments in SourceAmerica’s history. Stories appear in the form of specific SourceAmerica anecdotes from the mouths of the interviewees, in both text and audio clip form. The video track consists of the five videos we had produced and four existing videos that SourceAmerica had on hand.

Working with a Federal Government-authorized national nonprofit meant a few special considerations. We took extra care to ensure the accessibility of all components of our products and, in doing so, collaborated extensively with SourceAmerica’s technology team.

Marketing and External Communications —  The main objective for the creation of the interactive timeline was to create compelling content for external consumption toward building awareness for the organization. SourceAmerica’s marketing team linked to the interactive timeline in communications to the organization’s external stakeholders, like customers, partners, and vendors. The interactive timeline is now linked as a splash introduction to the organization’s website’s homepage.

Internal Communications — An added benefit of the interactive timeline was its use as a means to celebrate internally. Employees who viewed the interactive timeline were reminded of why they love working there: that adherence to the organization’s excellent mission is omnipresent among everyone working there.